Tuesday 28 July 2009

Bogus Employment References Don’t Do It!

I am sure we all know that an employment reference on its own, especially a bogus employment reference isn’t going to land you that dream job! The internet is rife with adverts willing to provide an employment reference if your last position resulted in an unceremonious ending, but please don’t be tempted!

In today’s tough employment market where competition for jobs is fierce a glowing employment reference or testimonial will boost your prospects and make you stand out from the crowd, but a bogus employment reference will do you no favours in the long run. Lying will no doubt come back to haunt you as companies are becoming increasingly diligent in following up references and testimonials and if your bogus employment reference comes to light in the future its is certainly grounds for firing you.

Any web site that promises to give you a "good" fake reference stay well clear, treat it as another one of the many scams on the web. Don't waste your money and don't jeopardise your future employment opportunities by trying to fake it.

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