Wednesday 29 July 2009

Employment Gaps in Your CV

We all know times are tough and the employment market is as competitive as it ever has been so everybody is in the same boat and finding it difficult to land a new job. Employers know this and few will hold this gap in your employment history against you. In fact, if you’re interviewing and an employer is overly critical of this period of unemployment, you have to wonder if it’s the type of company and environment you wish to work in!

If the issue is raised at interview, be direct. Offer a concise explanation of the difficulties you have encountered looking to secure a new position. Employers should understand that the nature of the market and often job hunters out weighs the number of job opportunities; they are probably interviewing a ton of people for each open position. What they won’t understand is if you don’t take any steps to take in touch with your industry and improve your skill set during those months.

In order to stand out from the crowd do the following during this period of unemployment:


What ever your industry there are people who will talk to you about what’s going on. It is imperative you to keep up to date with news of company mergers, key industry promotions and major deals in the pipeline. Keep in touch with former colleagues, continue to network within your industry and find groups of industry people to discuss things with. Utilise the web, visit at sites like Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn for online communities of like-minded individuals who can share information with you and give you tips on where there might be job opportunities.


You can fill that empty space on your CV even if you are out of work. Find a volunteer opportunity that either makes use of your skills or teaches you new ones–or both!

Study/Keep Skills up to date

I know not everyone is financially capable of this, but it’s not impossible! For technical professions this is a must as skills can become dated in no time at all. If it’s not financially feasible, at the very least read the latest books and industry journals. The idea is to keep your finger on the pulse and know what’s going on in much the same way networking with colleagues. If you can demonstrate knowledge of some of the latest studies or major events in your interview, you show that you still view yourself as part of the community and are ready to jump back in with no delay.

Ultimately employers are looking for solutions and not problems. They are looking for pro-active achievers who are going to move the company forward once we emerge from today’s recession. They understand unemployment can be beyond your control, but they want someone who isn’t defeated by it.

I’d like to here your views if you’ve been in this position and how you handled the situation. Fell free to contact us about this or any of our other postings

Tuesday 28 July 2009

Bogus Employment References Don’t Do It!

I am sure we all know that an employment reference on its own, especially a bogus employment reference isn’t going to land you that dream job! The internet is rife with adverts willing to provide an employment reference if your last position resulted in an unceremonious ending, but please don’t be tempted!

In today’s tough employment market where competition for jobs is fierce a glowing employment reference or testimonial will boost your prospects and make you stand out from the crowd, but a bogus employment reference will do you no favours in the long run. Lying will no doubt come back to haunt you as companies are becoming increasingly diligent in following up references and testimonials and if your bogus employment reference comes to light in the future its is certainly grounds for firing you.

Any web site that promises to give you a "good" fake reference stay well clear, treat it as another one of the many scams on the web. Don't waste your money and don't jeopardise your future employment opportunities by trying to fake it.

Talent Emporium provides blue chip companies and SME’s with a flat fee online recruitment solution starting at £500 for a 4 week advertising campaign. To find out how you can hire multiple candidates from one ad campaign and slash thousands from your annual recruitment spend contact us @

Friday 24 July 2009

Blue Chips & SME's

Talent Emporium’s flat fee online recruitment solution with offerings starting at just £500 for a 4 week campaign is proving a real hit with some of the Worlds’ largest blue chips and SME’s alike. Companies are highlighting our competitive pricing coupled with our extensive range of recruitment services will enable them to save thousands of pounds per annum as the Talent Emporium offering is seen as a true replacement for the contingency recruitment model.

We will soon be able to announce some of the client’s who are selecting Talent Emporium as their flat fee online recruitment solution of choice!

Thursday 23 July 2009

Finance Positions in Southern Ireland

IT Solutions Company with over 25 years experience of providing networking and security solutions globally will soon be looking to recruit high numbers of finance professionals for its operation in Southern Ireland. Talent Emporium is in the process of providing a recruitment solution to enable our client to embark on this ambitious project which is set to begin late August, early September 2009.

Sign up to our blog and follow us on twitter to make sure you do not miss out on these exciting financial careers with a truly global player in the networking and security arena. You can follow our tweets at

Talent Emporium Website Comming Soon

Coming soon, the Talent Emporium website! The site will enable job hunters to keep up to date with the latest companies to endorse the Talent Emporium flat fee online recruitment solution as well as search for your next position across a variety of industry sectors, job titles and locations throughout the UK and Europe. Job hunters will also be able to apply online from our extensive list of advertised positions or register your CV to keep informed on the latest vacancies that match your specified criteria.

Clients too can view the latest Talent Emporium promotions as well as register any vacancies online with us.

Talent Emporium is looking to revolutionise the recruitment industry by providing three distinct flat fee online recruitment offerings £500, £750 and £1250. So from as little as £500, Talent Emporium enables its customers to advertise across the major job boards for a 4 week period, hire as many candidates as they like from one advertisement as well as having complete ownership of all the candidates that apply to any given advertisement!

Talent Emporium will also write the required job advertisements and promote each vacancy using Web 2.0 and Social Media tools such as Twitter and Linked to ensure each advertisement reaches the maximum target audience.

To find out more information about or flat fee online recruitment solution please contact us at

Flat Fee Online Recruitment from £500

Talent Emporium, the flat fee online recruitment solution is turning the world of recruitment on its head! In today’s tough economic conditions Talent Emporium is able to offer a service which will save you £1000’s on your annual recruitment spend. Our expertise with Web recruitment enables Talent Emporium to offer the full range of services you get from a traditional recruitment agency, but at a tiny fraction of the cost!

In fact we are offering to advertise any vacancy across any industry sector on the UK’s major job boards from as little as £500. For a one off payment of £500 our Bronze service will ensure:

Vacancies are advertised across the major UK job boards such as Monster, Jobsite, Total Jobs and many more for a 4 week period

Optimised advert creation so that your vacancy is searchable by as many potential employees as possible (utilising keywords, commonly used search terms, Google Adwords & SEO techniques)

Vacancies gain online exposure using Web 2.0 and social media tools such as Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn

Hire as many candidates as you wish from one advert

For a one off payment of £750 our Silver service includes every aspect of our Bronze service plus we will eliminate the hassle of the recruitment process by managing the full recruitment life cycle:

We will carry out full candidate screening providing a shortlist of the most relevant candidates for you to interview

Arrange all interviews and manage candidates expectations throughout the recruitment process

Manage the “offer” stage of the process

Contact all candidates with appropriate feedback from the process via email

Our Gold Service includes all the aspects of our Bronze and Silver offerings, but for a one off payment of £1250 you will also receive:

Proactive database searches of all the online job boards such as Monster, Jobsite and Total Jobs

Proactive database search of our own extensive database which has been built and added to over the last 10 years

Passive candidate searches on Social Networking sites such as LinkedIn, Facebook, Xing and many more

Passive candidate searches using data mining techniques carried out on Google, Yahoo, MSN and other search engines

For further information please contact us at